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  1. ![DZ60 split spacebar layout image](
  2. # weeheavy's DZ60 split spacebar layout
  3. * 2u left shift
  4. * arrow cluster
  5. * split spacebar with a center key
  6. ## Layouts
  7. The base layout is ANSI QWERTY.
  8. Key sizes (ASCII keyboards below match this scale):
  9. 1u = 4 chars = | |
  10. 1.25u = 5 chars = | |
  11. 1.5u = 6 chars = | |
  12. 1.75u = 7 chars = | |
  13. 2u = 8 chars = | |
  14. 2.25u = 9 chars = | |
  15. 2.75u = 11 chars = | |
  16. 6.25u = 25 chars = | |
  17. ### Layer 0: Base layout
  18. Specialities:
  19. * Arrow cluster
  20. * FN1: access to layer 1
  21. * F2: access to layer 2
  22. ```
  23. ,----------------------------------------------------------.
  24. |Es||1 ||2 ||3 ||4 ||5 ||6 ||7 ||8 ||9 ||0 ||- ||= || Bksp |
  25. |----------------------------------------------------------+
  26. |Tab ||Q ||W ||E ||R ||T ||Y ||U ||I ||O ||P ||[ ||] || \ |
  27. |----------------------------------------------------------+
  28. |Caps ||A ||S ||D ||F ||G ||H ||J ||K ||L ||; ||' || Enter |
  29. |----------------------------------------------------------+
  30. |Shift ||Z ||X ||C ||V ||B ||N ||M ||, ||. ||/ ||Sf||↑ ||Dl|
  31. |----------------------------------------------------------+
  32. |Ctl||Win||Alt|| Space ||FN1|| Space ||Al||F2||← ||↓ ||→ |
  33. `----------------------------------------------------------'
  34. ```
  35. ### Layer 1: Utility
  36. Specialities:
  37. * F1-F12 keys when holding FN1
  38. * Movement cluster on the right hand side
  39. * Multimedia cluster on the bottom right
  40. * RGB config on the left hand side
  41. ### Layer 2: Config and setup
  42. Specialities:
  43. * Reset key on ESC and backslash location
  44. * Additional "B" key (a learning from my mistakes)